Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cultural Events and Savings Essay

The article â€Å"Cultural Events and Differences: Evidence from Immigrants to the United Arab Emirates† is catches attention, because it provides through examination of main reasons of immigration and touches the living conditions and experience of being an immigrant. It is known that the potential of UAE is growing and thus the country has to be studied and its policy should be evaluated. Furthermore, the article is interesting, because it examines impact o foreign region ob immigrant’s behavioral patterns and provides examples from different countries. Actually, the article raises debates whether immigrants should adapt to foreign culture or to preserve their culture. Moreover, the strength of the article is that is investigates the nature of savings. Certainly, this article contains lots of new interesting and relevant material for contemporary world, because public is interested in what is going on in Arab world. It is interesting to know, for example, that immigrants from developing countries tend to be more uniform regarding education, age, household and occupation, though they are provided with lower income than that of Arab countries. Nevertheless, the differences in national savings haven’t been investigated yet. The authors of the article suggest that UAE completely depends on immigrant workers.   Apparently, cultural factors have strong impact on governmental policies, partly because they tend to influence saving behavior in the long run in the countries which are considered ethnically diverse. Nevertheless, cultural factors play rather important, though not dominant role in determining differences in household savings. The authors provide several conclusions: the level of per capital income and growth income influences the ability to save; interest rates and inflation rates appear to be insignificant. The article refers to â€Å"Legal, Technological and Political Force† as it examines the impact of cultural differences on the governmental policy within UAE. The article provides information regarding political and economic forces caused the increase of immigration. References Al-Wad, M. & Elhiraika, A. (2003, July). Cultural Events and Differences: Evidence from Immigrants to the United Arab Emirates. The Journal of Development Studies, 39, 5, 139-151.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Electronic Health Records Essay

Introduction Electronic health records (also known as ‘e-notes’) have commonly replaced the conventional paper records used in medical facilities. This discussion describes how electronic health records have provided a solution to a range of health care procedures, have offered cost savings and benefits, and still have greater potential for improvement through future efforts. Overall, this discussion documents the progress and demands for further convenience in regards to electronic health records, presenting concepts, statistics, and recent analyses published by authorities on the topic. Through this, it is evident that electronic health notes still have shortcomings that are commonly noted and targeted, but as they have solved many more problems inherent in previous systems, they are the ideal path for development and improvement in this area. Electronic Health Records Since the development of electronic health records, healthcare managers have been able to reach numerous solutions to previous problems in their systems; this has included improved capacities to record and store the clinical and demographic information patients, the capacity to observe or manage the results of laboratory tests, the capacity to give prescriptions, improved ease of managing billing data, and improved facilitation of analysis for clinical decisions. These improvements reveal the nature of challenges and demands relevant to operations using the previous form of records (paper), with electronic health records being substantially more organized, convenient, and manageable. According to Al-Ubaydli (70), the use of paper records â€Å"had several implications. On the one hand, writing on paper fast and easy, so it fits well with clinical workflow. On the other hand, notes are only useful to the person who reads them, no to the one who writes them. When writing, speed and brevity are essential as there are always more patients to visit and care for. But for the reader, speed means illegible handwriting and brevity means incomplete notes. This leads clinicians to ask patients questions to which the answers already exist in the notes† (Al-Ubaydli 70). Moreover, as the author pointed out, paper is more difficult to transfer or copy, leading to it ultimately becoming easiest to keep the records confined to one central place. With this, they cannot move as easily as the patient, and the chore of copying tended to result in the patients being without a complete set of easily accessible records. Meanwhile, there are substantial space and cost requirements associated with storing paper records. The development of computer hardware, software, and improved data storage techniques eventually led to the development of efficient and effective software capable of storing patient data in secure databases, further allowing all data to be stored in a size-efficient manner that could also be easily transmitted. With the development of the internet, patient files could even be stored and transmitted online, providing an ideal backup for databases while improving the capacity for patients to have complete record sets sent to a range of facilities. The general motivation for creating these electronic health records was to address the problems inherent in the paper records, with the most convenient aspect being the cost-effective nature of storage and transmission; the nature of this being a virtually free cost and nearly instantaneous transmission made the desire and changes especially significant. Moreover, electronic health records would allow users to improve the capacity for users to index, sort, and search through records faster than the time demanded to sort through the paper files manually (Al-Ubaydli 70). An additional benefit is the reduced potential for illegible notes, as the nature of the systems means that all data is entered in using clear computerized text characters. As mentioned, similar to the nature of demands and problems evident in the paper records, there are now demands for improving aspects of the electronic records. However, these problems can be addressed through improved organization, software, and other means that does not demand a drastic change in mediums, as was required to address the problems of the paper records. Al-Ubaydli (71) reported that electronic health records â€Å"must include checks and balances to audit and control access. Second, the user interfaces for adding to the records must become easier to that they fit better into clinical workflow and allow clinicians to do more in less time. Speech recognition continues to improve, and the designers of templates continue to innovate.† The author further points out that similar to the improved search engines of the internet (first challenging and then drastically improved with developments like Google), electronic health records can be similarly improved without restructuring comparable to restructuring paper records. Other researchers have analyzed the nature of electronic health records, further elaborating on the nature of solutions and remaining demands. DeVoe et al. (351) pointed out that the clear and detailed recording of all received and recommended services should be considered the most vital aspect of health records, which is most effectively addressed through electronic records rather than paper records. This further assists with insurance aspects, as the detailed and accurate aspects of recording services can improve coordination with claims and related demands. DeVoe et al. (352) further asserted that electronic health records have the potential to assist researchers and policy makers with overcoming prior restrictions in examining services provided in CHCs. Meanwhile, Hoffman and Podgurski (425) reported on the growth of health care and pharmaceutical costs, frequency of unnecessary medical procedures, evoked healthcare reforms, and critical roles of records in all of these processes. With this, comparative effectiveness research (CER) has commonly been coupled with electronic health records to show that many expensive procedures have had less desirable outcomes for comparable conditions that less expensive ones, pointing out the nature of some health care facilities and physicians. Meanwhile, however, some have argued that CER is likely to lead to limited patient choices, improper rationing of health care, homogenized care, and potentially refusal of needed treatments (Hoffman and Podgurski 425). Congress allocated $1.1 billion to CER through the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, which included other aspects of improving and restructuring facilities. Soon it became evident that a unique application of CER could allow physicians to improve their decisions regarding treatment, as when coupled with electronic health records, physicians could conduct computer inquiries across a large database of patient records. Naturally, this would provide a valuable supplement to the patient’s history and literature. Hoffman and Podgurski (425) recommended that software be designed to summarize findings of queries by presenting the most relevant outcomes of patients with the most comparable conditions, while records be developed and stored in a manner which facilitates this. Thus, personalized comparison of treatment effectiveness or PCTE could become a phrase more common than CER in the future. Conclusion Electronic health care records have solved many of the problems that could not be effectively addressed through developments in the paper systems, with major improvements in the capacity to copy and transfer records, cost of storage, and clarity of information. Although this has led to implications for security and excessive copying, databases have been developed to improve the concerns in these areas. Moreover, researchers have proposed additional improvements in development as well as use, with records having the potential to serve as an informal accessible databank, thereby improving understanding and decision making. Works Cited Al-Ubaydli, Mohammad. Personal Health Records: A Guide for Clinicians. John Wiley & Sons: New York, NY, 2011. DeVoe, Jennifer, Rachel Gold, Patti McIntire, Jon Puro, and Susan Chauvie. â€Å"Electronic Health Records vs Medicaid Claims: Completeness of Diabetes Preventive Care Data in Community Health Centers.† Annals of Family Medicine 9.4 (2011): 351-358. Hoffman, Sharona and Andy Podgurski. â€Å"Improving Health Care Outcomes through Personalized Comparisons of Treatment Effectiveness Based on Electronic Health Records.† Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 39.3 (2011): 425-436.

Individual and environmental factors Essay

1.1Explain the individual and environmental factors that impact positively or negatively on learning. The study of adult learning – ANDRAGOGY – originated in Europe in the 1950s and was then pioneered as a theory and model of adult learning from the 1970s by Malcolm knowles, an American practitioner and theorist of adult education. He defined androgogy as: „the art and science of helping adults learnâ€Å" Knowles identified six principles of adult learning, which are: 1.Adults are internally motivated and self-directed. 2. Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences. 3. Adults are goal oriented. 4. Adults are relevancy oriented. 5. Adults are practical. 6. Adults learners like to be respected. With individualised learning the trainer needs to consider and cater for the needs of individual participants. Some of the key factors to consider are: -Rates of learning and learning style -Attitude -Maturity -Interest which effect the level of learning -Motivation -Learners can work at their own pace at the time most convenient to them -Different learning styles can be accommodated -Etc. All this above mentioned factors can have positive or negative impact on learning. I have identified that people have different learning styles and it is very important to utilise this to gaing the most from each individual learner and to help make their learning as effective as possible. There is no one right combination of elements that will magically result in a positive climate for learning for every participant. There is also four kinds of learning styles: -Visual learning style has a preference for seen or observed things, including pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, displays, handouts, films,  flip-chart, etc. These people will use phrases such as „show meâ€Å", „lets have a look at thatâ€Å" and will be bes table to perform a new task after reading the instrucitons or watching someone else do it first. These are people who will work from lists and written derections and instructions. -Auditory learning style has a preference for the transfer of information through listening: to spoken word, of self or others, of sounds and noises. These people will use phrases such as „tell meâ€Å", lets talk it overâ€Å" and will be best able to perform a new task after listening to instructions from an expert. -Kinaesthetic learning styles has a preference for physical experience touching, feeling, holding, doing,, practical hands-on experience. These people will use phrases such as „let met tryâ€Å", how do you feel? And will be best table to perform a new task by going ahead and trying it out, learning as they go. These are the people who like to experiment, hands-on, and never look at the instructions first. -Auditory digital learning style has a preference for working outside of the senses. People will tend to: have a need to make sense of the word, to figure things out, to understand. Talk to themselves and carrz on conversations with you in their mind.Learn by working things out in their mind.Not to be spontaneous, as they like to think things through. Have logic play a key role in the decision process as do facts and figures. Memorize by steps, procedures, sequences. The learners have a wide range of learning needs and styles, and this diversity must be take into account by employing a variety of training methods. In additions, the size of the venue, the arrangement of the furniture, the functioning of equipment and other physical aspects of the training room all contribute to, or detract from, the learning evironment. When these factors can be manipulated to be positive influences, an environment more conductive to learning will be created. Organisational and process decisions: Venue, Facilities,Environment, Meals and refreshments, Accessibility, Cost and Physical layout. Environment – the environment around the training centre should be conductive to training taking place. There are various ways in which we can adapt the learning environment so that it caters for the physical needs of the participants: The temperature and environment within a training room should facilitate learning, it should be warm but not excessively hot or too cold because participants should be comfortable to pay enought attention to presentation. The layout of the room should be inviting suggesting the prospect of interesting activity and with adequate „break outâ€Å" areas. Make sure that you are comfortable with the layout of the room to deliver the best of your ability and the training will not be as effective as it otherwise could have been. A positive learning environment nurtures these feelings by allowing sudents to explore and expand their knowledge without undue risk or fear. Bring all types of learning could be positive for the individual as we are all different people and also confidentatiality is important too. Negative impact can be that participants do not switch off mobile phones what may lead to disturbing other participants and also trainer. Another negative factor could be lighting which should be appropriate for activities such as note taking, viewing of audio-visual aids and hands-on computer training otherwise it will have impact on individuals or group. Resource availability is based on available resources. The venue will have available a laptop, with internet access and an overhead projector. A flip chart will be available together with marker pens and pens and paper. Formative Assessment the goal of formative assessment is to gather feedback that can be used by the instructor and the students to guide improvements in the ongoing teaching and learning context. These are low stakes assessments for students and instructors. Examples: †¢Asking students to submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture †¢Have students submit an outline for a paper. †¢Early course evaluations Summative Assessment the goal of summative assessment is to measure the level of success or proficiency that has been obtained at the end of an instructional unit, by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Examples: †¢Assigning a grade to a final exam †¢Critique of a Senior recital †¢University Faculty Course Evaluations The outcome of a summative assessment can be used formatively, however, when students or faculty take the results and use them to guide their efforts and activities in subsequent courses. ACTIVITY 2 Undertaken at the workshop. ACTIVITY 3 How you created a positive learning environment: To create a positive learning environment i made sure the temperature and enviromnent within a training room was fine, e.g. warm but not excessively hot or cold, clean, welcoming, bright and colorful.Lighting was appropriate for activities such as note taking, viewing of audio – visual aids that the layout of the room was inviting, suggesting the prospect of interesing acitivity and with adequate „break outâ€Å" arears and also that the participants had free access to water and toilets. The feedback on your activity from learner participants: To get the feedback on my presentation from learner participants i used a feedback questionnaire with the following questions. On a scale of 1 – 5 (1being the worst and 5 being the best) please circle the one that applies 1.Was the learning informative? 2.Was the information delivered in a concise and structured manner? 3.Did you find the learning topic interesting? 4.Do you feel you were supported through questioning and feedback? 5.Did you find the activity clear and simple to follow And i aslo left space for any other comments or development needs. Comments and development needs recommended by participants: my topis was Junk food vs Healthy food would be good to explain more healthy options, could do meal plans – suggest exercise reqires the slides were sometimes unclear – blue words – blue background. Enjoyed though. No – good presentation Good reminder of what we know and why i tis important to eat healthily. I will try to eat less sugar!! No, very clear and enthusiastidly given. No. Was a very good presentation, good use of powerpoint slides. Observation record from assessor Les Curzon: OBSERVATION RECORD: F211A Candidate name:LUKAS DEMJANJUNK FOOD/HEALTHY FOOD Unit 3DLA Delivering Learning and Development Activities Observation Criteria Assessor feedback – to be completed by the assessor with notes to support the decision Creates an environment that is positive & conducive to learning – e.g. – health & safety – room layout – welcome – accommodates needs – puts participant at ease – builds rapport H&S not covered Ice breaker, write favourite food. The audience was some distance away and some had their back to you to start with. Structures & sequences effectively for learning e.g. – introduction – main body – conclusion Good introduction and you got the attention of the learners. Main body informative Provides clear aims / learning outcomes No clear aims and objectives. Manages learning activity effectively – uses a range of appropriate training skills Tended to be mostly lecture style with a few questions. – uses learning resources appropriately and effectively Good use of PowerPoints with appropriate images and addresses VAK. – supports learners via questioning and feedback Asked lots of questions but tended to be closed â€Å"does anybody† – uses appropriate formative & summative assessment methods Formative through Q&A, summative Q&A – could have had a quiz. Could have designed a meal. – summarises and concludes the learning and development activity Summarised throughout and reinforced – assists learners to reflect on their learning and identify further needs Via Evaluation form – collects feedback from participants Evaluation form General Comments / Feedback Lukas, An informative session on healthy food. The identified need being to improve the health of employees? The audience were physically distant and you could have brought them closer to you. This could have been achieved after your ice breaker I am aware that you did the presentation in your second language. You tended to read which slowed the pace and it lacked energy. You need to plan and prepare in good time. You have the basics of a good session and need to develop it by having SMART objectives and lots of activities. A good effort and you need to consider the Systematic Training Cycle when you reflect in your TMA. Well done. Smart objectives should be: Specific means making a clear statement about the knowledge or skill that the trainee should be able to do and actually demostrate at the end of the course. This includes the level of operation, such as „after the training, te trainee should be able to use the machine safely and efficiently to produce the product at the specified qualityâ€Å". Measurable means that the standard of the trainees performance after the training can be measured in terms of, for example, quality and number of tiems in a specified period of time. Achievable means that it should be possible for the trainee to achieve the objectives in the light of the situation, the practicability, and the intelligence and motivation of the trainee. Realistic means that the objectives should be obviously useful and clearly related to the type of work that the trainee carries out. Time – related means that the trainee should be able to develop understanding, attain concepts and demonstrate skills withing a pre – specified period of time. For example, uou mighy be able to type a leeter perfectly if you took an hour to do it, but not if you only had five minutes.A skilled typist would be able to achive the objective in the shorter time. EVALUTATION AGAINST SYSTEMATIC LEARNING CYCLE 1. Identify training needs There are several ways in which training needs may be identified but unfortunately i did not have a choice to find out the training needs as i met the participants for the very first time. 2. Set training objectives In general, the objective of training is to develop in people the knowledge and understanding, skills and competence that they need to meet required performance standards. I did not concentrate that much on the Smart objectives but for the futher development needs i will need to plan and prepare in good time. 3. Plan the training Bearing in mind the nature of the subject matter in which employee needs to be trained, decisions have to be made about how and where it is to be carried out. There are several choices. Most training, however, falls into one of two categories: On-the-job trainin, which as the term implies, takes place while the trainee is actually working or it could be Of-job-training, which may be external training, when, for example, an individual or a small group is sent to a local college or training centre or to a higher education institution to undertake a professional qualification.I could not decide where was i doing presentation. 4. implement the training There is six training methods such as Lecture, Seminar, Case study, Role-play, Syndicate work, Exercises i decided for seminar which is ideal to discuss a topic or concept. I think it was effective because i introduced the subject and run a group discussion where trainess presented their views on which i could comment. I also used training media PowerPoint and visual aids such as overhead projector and flipchart which i used for the answers to my questions and for laying main points of a talk. It was effective way of learning because people pay enought attention to the powerpoint presentation.Preperation involved working on the detail of the training session and also draft my notes of what i was going to say. I went through each element of the course carefully, drafted a separate set of notes for each element but did not place them in a file which was making me confused and lost. I did not cover Ice breaker but aafter i had a good introduction and attention of the learners. Main sect ions were informative. No clear aims and objectives And tended to read which slowed the pace and it lacked energy. 5. Evaluate the course It is a socially interactive process after which the participants should feel  confident that htey have all learned from the experience. Additionally, it should also be effecitve i terms of achieving the trianing objectives which i need to develop by having Smart objectives and a lot of activities. 6. Analysis and review It is rare for a training session that is being run for the first time to achieve every single aspect of every objective. Analysis and review is the final stage of the systematic trianing cycle which helped me to reveal areas that need to be improved and showed me what do i need to work on. 2 RECOMMENDATIONS TO IMPROVE MY FUTURE PERFORMANCE: 1. IceBreaker It is very important to get the participants talking to each other and to relax because people can be quite intimidated at courses, especially in front of a big group so more i get them to relax and enjoy it, the more easily they will learn. 2. Running a trainning session In advance of actually running a session, i will need to go through my notes and learn them so well that i will not need to refer to them because it lack energy

Thursday, August 29, 2019

NCLB Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NCLB - Coursework Example However not all the accommodations have been by states as positive and valid? The question therefore is whether the federal government should be involved in directing state education policy. The quality of schooling is of special importance to any nation. Economic performance is a direct outcome of knowledge. Income levels as well as GDP directly depend on knowledge, skills and training levels. Academic skills therefore are very important in the market place and this forms the basis for accountability in school performance. It will be note also that it is an obvious responsibility of the federal government to promote economic growth. States do not account for population mobility and thus many not make decisions that benefit the entire nation. They also may not properly consider the effects of a poorly educated citizenry and workforce. Many students also more on completing education and therefore states do not benefit from the investment in education directly (Nathan, 2005). Local politics of self-interest and voter apathy manifesting in school elections and local teachers unions destruct school policies from focusing on measurable outcomes. Such forces can only be checked by a neutral national policy set by the federal government. The federal government has also been historically interested with equitable distribution of income and protecting children from marginalized populations whose educational attainment is significantly hurt by shortcomings in the school system. Federal government should therefore set standards of achievement while states and school districts decide on the best ways of achieving improved incomes as per the standards set. 1. Richard P. Nathan. (2005). Should the Federal Government be Involved in School Accountability? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 24, No. 1, 167–178. Available at:

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Placement of Older Adults Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Placement of Older Adults - Research Paper Example They keys areas are tare his chances of falling while taking the flight stairs, chances of been depressed and how Mr.Trosack will take his multiple medications that is (polypharmacy).These are the main major points that need to be focused by the case manager and his team and his interdisciplinary team for them to have an effective discharge schedule/plan. Each team player has to carry out a specific role in this case study to have positive results on Mr. Trosacks considering him as a case of social isolation. The family of Mr. Trosack interview will check whether it is capable of proving good care is the patient is discharged from the hospital. The case study team has to very keen on cases of depression which might affect his situation in recovering, there must also be therapist ,a person who will prescribe his medication(pharmacist) and an assistant who will take care of him while at home. After gathering all this information a suitable discharge plan will be recommended and a disch arge plan placement will be effected. (Idler & Benyamini1997). Members of Interdisciplinary Team The interdisciplinary teams in Mr.Trosacks case should comprise of the case manager who liaise the interdisciplinary team to craft out successful discharge plan for Mr.Trosacks.The specific duties for the interdisciplinary teams are outlined. In this case the patient is isolated while recovering from hip surgery, and the case or effects of isolation are known.The interdisciplinary team should include the following case manager that is the nurse, therapist and pharmacist. Roles of Interdisciplinary Team Therapist A therapist is someone who helps you understand problem related to your illness and helps see the positive side of life. In the interdisciplinary team there will be the therapist who would administer therapy into Mr. Trosacks will be able make him understand his specific needs as a patient and offer him hopeful solutions for change throughout the therapy formality. Pharmacist A p harmacist administers medicines to patients when a doctor recommends it and advices patients on correct prescription while taking their medicines. The pharmacist will ensure that Mr.Trosacks takes his medication on time and will from time to time check whether there are any side effects. Home care co-coordinator. Mr.Trosack will need a homecare co-coordinator who will be assisting small errand s mainly involving picking of grocery, will also be assisting Mr. Trosacks with the walker who will walking in his apartment because there is no elevator. The safety issues that could affect determination discharge plan include social isolation and this could affect his recovery plan due to depression. Mr.Trosacks lives alone ismall apartment which is clustered and there is little room for his walker, also the bathroom is tiny and there is no safety features which might help him in case of any accident. The bathroom cabinet where he keeps his medicine has old prescription medicine and this mig ht confuse him if he comes home and puts the new medicaments together with the old medicine. To get into the apartment you have to take the stairs and this will pose a great danger to Mr.Trosacks as he has to use a walker while climbing down the stairs or up the stairs and he may assistance of someone. Family ability to care for Mr.Trosack The basic safety mode of Mr.Trosack is after replacement of his hip is for his son and the wife to take care of Mr.Trosack. His family does not visit Mr.Trosack quite often and the small apartment is cluttered. Mr Trosack is diabetic and the need for nursing assistance is needed, but Mr.Trosack maintains that is capable of taking care of himself. There are several

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Critically discuss the reasons why location has again become a Essay

Critically discuss the reasons why location has again become a critical issue in explaining the global competitiveness of firms - Essay Example They should use all the resources at their disposal to make their markets competitive globally, while at the same time reducing any international trade barriers and limitations. On their part, businesses need to make adjustments in order to compete effectively in the global market since they cannot purely rely on good location as was the case before this trend. They must heavily invest in information technology and adopt cost effective management practices to reach this new status. Moreover, they need to adopt international management practices and culture as well as develop a positive attitude for efficient management. Companies should also consider making regional and global partnerships and connections but taking into account all pros and cons of such ventures. This paper examines the role of location in global competitiveness of multi-national enterprises, MNEs. It then investigates why location has ceased to be the only factor in the success of international business. Role of location, competitiveness and advantage The geography of international business activities greatly depends on the entry mode and competitive advantages of the firms involved. This interdependence becomes clear when one tries examining the dynamics of the activities of knowledge intensive multinational enterprises, MNE (Dunning, 1998).... economy characterized by the emergence of intellectual capital as an important wealth creation asset, globalization of economic activities due to advancement in transport and communication technologies and the emergence of collaborative capitalism. These developments have had an impact on the geography of the activities of foreign direct investments, FDIs and MNEs (Dunning, 1998). The role of spatial transaction costs is slowly shifting, reflecting the liberalisation of cross border markets and the varying attributes of economic performance (Yip, 2002). This cost reduction caused the formation of more market-seeking FDIs and at the same time boosted a welfare enhancing division of labour and also favoured the spatial bunching of firms engaged in allied activities, so that each may gain from the existence of the other, and having access to localized support services, specialized factor inputs, custom-made demand patterns, distribution networks and shared service centres (Tallman and Yip, 2001). Complementary foreign asset and capability sought after by MNEs who wish to add value to their main competitive advantages are progressively more of a knowledge facilitating type and that is mostly the case as their affiliates become more firmly rooted in host economies. A good example is the increasing of value addition in Japanese manufacturing subsidiaries of Europe and North America. An exception to this is some low value-adding activities in the under developed areas of the globe (Tallman and Yip, 2001).As the calculated asset acquiring investment has turned out to be more essential, the location requirements of corporations have changed from the market-oriented or natural resource-oriented to those concerning access to knowledge intensive assets and learning

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Internal Control Environment Research Proposal

The Internal Control Environment - Research Proposal Example Risk assessment is the component which enables the management to assess and analyze the risk associated with the accomplishment of objectives (Biegelman para.12). As in TPC, the elements of risk assessment includes an analysis of all three divisions and realizing the sources which could probably lead to control failure. For this purpose, TPC must set an internal control objective and then figure out the causes which would lead to deviations from the objective. Risk assessment is the component which enables the management to assess and analyze the risk associated with the accomplishment of objectives (Biegelman para.12). As in TPC, the elements of risk assessment includes an analysis of all three divisions and realizing the sources which could probably lead to control failure. For this purpose, TPC must set an internal control objective and then figure out the causes which would lead to deviations from the objective. The third component includes control activities or policies to create and implement strategies throughout the organization that ensures that objectives of internal control and minimization of risk would be achieved (Biegelman para.12). The major elements of this component are verification, performance reviews and separation of responsibilities etc. At TPC, this component involves implementing strategies and policies at headquarter as well as the three separate divisions. These policies might include a thorough system of performance measurement as well as control procedures (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations). The fourth component of internal control refers to management information and communication which entails communicating with employees on the internal control objectives as well as procedures and to instigate their efforts in meeting the goals (Biegelman para.12). TPC needs to enhance communication and information system among all the three divisions so as to ensure that the objective is communicated all over the organization.   The fifth and last component of internal control refers to monitoring which involves overseeing the whole internal control process and procedure to know if the process is carried out as planned and proceeding towards the desired objectives. The TPC’s management, as well as independent auditors, could keep a check over the proceeding of the control procedure in the organization and achievement of internal control objectives (Biegelman para.12).  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

John F Kennedy Civil Rights Address Research Paper

John F Kennedy Civil Rights Address - Research Paper Example worldwide struggle towards equal rights and goes on to argue that all Americans irrespective of their color should be offered equal treatment in places of public accommodation. He purports that every American has a moral obligation to be treated equally. It can also be observed that rhetorical devices such as the choice of diction, imageries, statistical data, and tone contribute to the persuasiveness of the speech. For instance, the use of phrases such as â€Å"ought to be possible† and â€Å"ought to have the right† clearly emphasize this sense of moral responsibility towards equal treatment and freedom. This has been aptly suggested by Newman when the author states: â€Å"the repetitive use of "it ought to be possible" is an effective way to point out the different levels of freedom that restricted the average Negro citizen† (Newman). Kennedy also seeks the help of statistical data (such as ‘one-half’, ‘one-third’, ‘twice as muc h’, and ‘half as much’) to convince his audience the white-black disparity that governs the society. Similarly, in his speech, Kennedy offers a number of instances where unequal treatment and discrimination is shown toward the Negros. These instances are capable of creating so many vivid images or mental pictures in the minds of the audience. President Kennedy then directs his audience towards the depth of the issue and leads the audience to think about the possible solutions. He makes it clear that segregation and discrimination is prevalent in almost all states of America and calls for the need to frame new legislations to tackle the issue. However, he warns his white audience that the nation is ‘confronted primarily with a moral issue’ and exhorts everyone to ask their conscience whether they are able to grant ‘equal... The intention of this study is "Civil Rights Address" by John F Kennedy. as a landmark in the nation’s pursuit towards abandoning racial discrimination and segregation. All throughout the speech, Kennedy persuades his listeners/audience to ensure civil rights, racial equality and equal treatment in the nation. The address is quite persuasive in nature and President Kennedy has successfully employed various rhetorical strategies all throughout the speech. No doubt, the speech appeals to the ethos, logos and pathos of the audience; stylistic features such as the use of imagery, appropriate language, and tone enhance the credibility and persuasive nature of the discourse. The speech can also be understood as President Kennedy’s attempt to defend and justify his controversial decision to admit two qualified Negroes into the University of Alabama in Birmingham. One also needs to keep in mind there were ongoing demonstrations, parades and rallies for equal civil rights within the nation. The speech clearly points out two key issues that haunt the American society-racism and prejudice. Thus, the speech offers the audience a thorough understanding of the speaker’s concern over the current issue of segregation in the nation. This paper tries to identify the specific rhetorical aspects of Kennedy’s speech and in doing so the paper seeks to draw evidences from the address as well. Kennedy's â€Å"Civil Rights Address† blends a variety of rhetorical elements and it is this address which paved the way for equal civil rights in America.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Strange Meeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strange Meeting - Essay Example And in the words of Owen’s Preface – All a poet can do today is warn. Structurally, the poem is composed of 44 lines of Iambic pentameter, divided into 4 irregular stanzas: the first, 3 lines; the second, 7; the third, 29; and the last, 5. Owen makes use of a lot of Assonance. In the first stanza, we have: down, profound, piteous, recognition, fixed, distressful, bless. Stanza three contains the following: guns, thumped, flues. There are many others scattered throughout the rest of the poem. Then, we have Alliteration. In the first stanza alone, we have: down, dull; granites, groined. Stanza two has: sprang, stared; smile, sullen. The third stanza yields the following: made, moan; hopelessness, hope; wildest, world; boil, bloody; mine, mystery, mastery; miss, march; wash, wells. This stanza and the last yield many more. The reader finds a single example of onomatopoeia and it is found in the third stanza: And no guns thumped or down the flues made moan. There are two evidences of hyperbole and they are both mentioned in the long, middle stanza: With a thousand pains that visions face was grained and Then, when much blood had clogged their chariot wheels.. It seemed that a thousand pains and much blood are exaggerated. Personification may also be found in the poem. In the short first stanza: Through granites which titanic wars had groined. (Wars are to humans who can groin or reproduce). In the second stanza, Lifting distressful hands, as if to bless (Hands may be lifted, but it is the person himself who can feel distress and may bless). Going more deeply into the poem, in lines 1-3, the poet Owen sets the scene. Holes, caverns, tunnels – these form a recurring image in his mind and find their way into the poem. Titanic Wars imply not just World War I in which Owen fought, but conflicts through history on a gigantic scale. In lines 4-10,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Similarities and differences between The Big Sleep and Casablanca in Essay

Similarities and differences between The Big Sleep and Casablanca in Camera shooting - Essay Example The movie is based upon the novel by Chandler but differs considerably owing to changes in the content in some cases. The camera movements of the two classic movies encompasses the expressionist style along with some unique approach as suitable for a romantic melodrama (Casablanca) on one hand and a thriller (The Big Sleep) on the other. Almost the entire shooting of Casablanca takes place in the Moroccan city of Casablanca and the entire shot was almost held in the studio itself. It is one of the classic movies shot in black and white. The cinematographer Arthur Edison uses the Curtiz style of camera movements or expressionist lighting where the lights and shadow effects are used to create expression. The focus of the camera lies mainly on Bergman enacting the role of Ilsa Lund. The camera angle is mostly placed such that the shots are moved from the left side of her face as per her preference. To enhance the expressions of sadness, tender and nostalgia. This is especially true in the scene where she meets Rick alone. Symbolic shadows are cast on the characters to highlight essence of certain situations. The camera moves across a doorway with the inscription on stone "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite" standing for Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, a common saying amongst the French Repupublicans. The Vichy govenrment has not yet replaced it. The cinematography uses the smooth movements of the camera along with this expressionist lighting with the environment serving as the backbone to highlight each moment and interplay of emotions. The establishment of Rick was built in three parts which were separated from one another. Hence the camera was set such that it looked through one of the walls of the cafà © into Rick’s office. Camera is held at close ups where the objects or the individual is significant and indicates something more important than the eye

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Dominos Pizza in Mexico Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dominos Pizza in Mexico - Case Study Example One thing that has been common in all the above mentioned companies is that all have been very successful in capturing their audiences. Their success story hasn't only revolved around the advertising for their company but a complete team effort, hard work, determination; the will to become the leading fast food chain in the world has made them reach the zenith. If we start to compare Domino's with their opposite number, McDonalds, we will come to know that their respective road to success has been full of challenges and somewhat quite similar too. First and for most, the two companies came into existence when no such food company existed. They had to start from scratch and had to make the people feel the importance of their brand and for that the most crucial and important part was team building.( Tom Monaghan,1986) They had to search for people who were determined, fresh and eager to learn in collaboration with their respective companies. Secondly, once established the two companies had to maintain that vibe and hunger ness for the people to buy their product by launching new food items that would surround and match the eating brain of a human being. They had to keep the quality of the food as their first priority in order to attract the customers. (David A Hanks, 1989) Moreover, both Domino's and McDonald’s had to change their advertising setup when launching them selves internationally. They had to grab the local market and the local people with their innovative strategies. They also took under control the prices of their products in accordance to the economy of that country and in accordance of an average person's reach. All and all, Domino's and McDonald's are quite similar in nature excluding their distinct and unique products and because of the adaptability in all cultures; Domino's has been able to stamp their authority in the global market throughout the world. 2. Domino's rely on the work hard, play hard culture where they set themselves tasks and standards and then work collectively to succeed in those tasks. (Tom Monaghan, 1998) They do not compromise on the quality of the food and in the appearance of their company. That is why, where ever they go, in which ever country they enter, they keep their tag line, their presentation, their rules and regulations and the quality of food at the top. For them, a customer’s satisfaction is their satisfaction. (Georgia Brazil, 1986) One important thing that Domino's has followed throughout the years is that they have kept the interface of their outlets identical. This has helped them in reaching far off areas where the people used to recognize Do mino's not by their name, rather by the companies’ logo, ‘The Domino's logo’. Another area that Domino's has clicked is by hiring those people as employees who could work in their corporate sectors. (John A Jakle, 1999) Such people are aware of the local food standards and know what the customers require. In this way they can help the higher officials in the company to make them understand the psychic of the food of the local residents of that area. Another aspect that Domino's has taken into account is that in order to nullify any problems in their administration, Domino's regularly takes their managers working across the globe to stores for training. (James Mac Nair, 1987) There they are given lectures on how to run a franchise and what is

Ocean Park Cast Study Essay Example for Free

Ocean Park Cast Study Essay Officially opened on 10th Jan 1977 by the Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Murray MacLehose, the Ocean Park was constructed with HK$150million funded from the racing profits earned from the Hong Kong Jockey Club while the land was given free by the Hong Kong Government. It is located in Wong Chuk Hang and Nam Long Shan in the Southern District of Hong Kong. The park has won several awards, including The Worlds Seventh Most Popular Amusement Park and 33rd Most Visited Tourist Attractions in the World by Forbes (American publishing and Media Company. ) and their vision is to be the world leader in providing excellent guest experiences in an amusement park environment connecting people with nature. On 1st July 1987, Ocean Park ceased to be a subsidiary of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, becoming its own statutory body, with a Government-appointed Board. At present, Ocean Park is managed by a financially-independent, non-profit organization called Ocean Park Corporation. In Jun 2005, Ocean Park achieved its highest recorded attendance in its history. Gross revenue grew by 12% and was HK$684 million in 2005 due to their monopoly conditions. It was then Hong Kong Disneyland was opened on Sept 2005 and Ocean Park faced serious competition. The Monopoly Days Even though Ocean Park monopolizes in Hong Kong, they suffered losses from 1999-2002. It was mainly due to the famous Asian financial crisis, while the SARS in 2003 inflict more damages to Ocean Park. The revamping of the brand logo from seahorse to sea lion (Whiskers) on 2000 did leave a better vivid impression to the public, but it was not enough. The management did not see innovation as a major factor to rein still interest to the public, the thrill rides eventually become out-dated and shabby yet Ocean Park remain contented with their current status. The huge investment on the Abyss Turbo Drop was a good start to innovate, but it does not give the public the urge to take a 2nd ride. Activities and festival events ideas were further introduce to attract the public which manage to receive great response from the public. Eventually, employees create a work culture and comfort zone which retards the Ocean Park’s reengineering policy, though the management realizes the need of culturing innovation. The workforce resisted the change and become reluctant and worried about facing the new challenges ahead. The Intervention of Hong Kong Disneyland On Sept 2005, 3rd Disneyland from Joint venture Walt Disney and Hong Kong SAR government was set up with their selling points on those famous Disney Cartoon Characters. Though the admission fees were much higher compare relatively to Ocean Park, their price was considered the cheapest entry for Disneyland and new thrill rides definitely act as surprises for the public who already attended Ocean Park before and acts as an option between the two strong rivals. In terms of attractions, Both Ocean Park and Disneyland have their unique selling point to have a fair market share in Hong Kong. Ocean Park is primarily focusing on nature and wildlife, providing educational to the public on animals while Disneyland emphasis on creating fantasy and virtual stimulations. With sure fierce confrontation from Disneyland, Ocean Park has to seek an immediate response to prevent them for doom. They fought back by introducing new roller coaster and aquarium; build hotels nearby to go head-on-head with Disneyland which always come with hotels for tourists. Major Problem Ocean Park faced Ocean Park already faced shortage of talented and educated employees, due to the fact that the majority of these employees tend to favor finance sector than tourism industry, The great demand is further enhance as Disneyland is competing with Ocean Park for these talents. In terms of career opportunities and prospect, Disneyland has the upper hand over Ocean Park. To add salt to injury, Disney is deemed to poach Ocean Park’s best workers. 3-way attack for Ocean Park (Defender Strategy) I will propose and advise on the management of Ocean Park a 3-way attack to have the lion share of the pie between the two rivals. *** Pricing Package/ Educational package Since Ocean Park has the advantage over Disney over the price of the tickets, I will propose the management team to setup a sales team to target the school and students. Implementation educational tour packages to Mainland/ Hong Kong students will eventually be interesting for school to organize excursion and post-exam events. Disney is more to a virtual land; they cannot provide the educational aspects as compare to Ocean Park. *** Human Resource Management (HRM) The ability of employees is essential to every organization. The management needs to introduce better remuneration packages, better salary wages for staffs whom they interested in keeping and bloom them. A lucrative pension scheme may be able to keep the current employees loyal. Next, provide strict interviews for new employees and send all the employees to service training to brush up their public relation skills to provide a class of service way above Disneyland. *** Innovation The ability to innovate will determine who has the lion share in the Hong Kong Market. Word of mouth is definitely the best form of advertisement. The only reason why tourists will intro to their friends/family the amusement park is fun and thrilling. Since the majority of the tourists are from Mainland (China) , it will be wise if they can do a short survey to poll the public what types of excitement they looking for in amusement park and begin source and introduce new fantastic rides. Take reference on those abroad amusement parks and why they are always so attractive to the public. Furthermore, Ocean Park can organize monthly events with relation to public holidays or the season with attractive discounts towards the price of the tickets. Conclusion. In terms of all rounder, Ocean Park definitely has the edge. The combination of high octane, thrills and spills rides, with superb, and educational, state of the art marine shows and exhibitions is unbeatable. Ocean Park has a pair of superb rollercoasters, a log flume and rapids ride. There are also a number of mid range action rides, meaning there is plenty to keep the family going all day. Disneyland on the other hand has only one rollercoaster and almost no mid range action rides, meaning anyone over the age of ten will be quickly bored. On the other hand, Disney does have a slightly better selection of toddler and young rides, although Ocean Park is also no slouch in this department. Furthermore, Ocean Parks selection of Marine shows are also first class, including shark aquariums, dolphin shows and the superb, sci-fi styled Jellyfish exhibit which provide a extra field of education. Disneyland has nothing to compete with these excellent family friendly shows. In conclusion, Ocean Park will eventually edge out Disneyland, proving that local companies can still compete head to head with big MNCs (Multi-national Company) References http://www. usatoday. com/news/world/2007-06-14-ocean-park_N. htm http://www. docstoc. com/docs/17307909/Ocean-Park-VS-Disney-As-we-know_-Ocean-Park-and-Disney-Park-are http://gohongkong. about. com/od/themeparks/a/OceanvsDisney. htm http://www. articlesbase. com/destinations-articles/hong-kongs-oceanic-aquarium-ocean-park-vs-hong-kong-disneyland-3530410. html.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Impact of Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Impact of Rapid Application Development (RAD) Impact of Rapid Application Development ABSTRACT This report is submitted in context to a study that was performed to analyze the Impact of Rapid Application Development (RAD) on the software industry using the context of the NASA weather forecasting system. The NASA existing weather forecasting system was studied for a new feature of exposing the NASA weather data to the other countries of the world using Rapid Application Development Platform. NASA is a world renowned organization that deals in space research and forecasting systems. NASA has an internal software system that collects weather data from the various NASA satellites and produce variety of forecasting reports for the next 24 hours that includes temperature, pressure, humidity , wind speed as the major reports. The other countries of the world has requested NASA to give them an API (Application programming Interface ) or a port from which they can import the weather data of NASA into XML format into their local servers after which they can use the it for their countries weather forecasting. The various system development methodologies including the popular Software Development Lifecycle method, Iterative method and Rapid Application Development methods were analyzed to choose the best methodology according to NASA requirements. During the course of the study it was observed that Rapid Application Development methodology works best when you have times and budgetary limitations as well as when you are assigned a limited but elite programming resources. The only thing that need to be maintained is that all the team members work together and there is We attached to the product/project development rather than I , because I word in these sort of small team can become a big danger of losing one or two good team members altogether. The report also includes the principles, realities and myth of the Rapid Application development Paradigms. It was observed that the timelines and the project deadlines can be achieved sooner in an efficient way by using Rapid Application development methodology and RAD project executed and implement at least the twice the speed and half the time taken by the regular Software development Life cycle. It was concluded from the study that Rapid Application Development will form the future backbone of software industry because of its effectiveness, less development and implementation time and more flexibility. Keywords:- Following is the list of important keywords and their definition which might be used through this report:- RAD :- Rapid application development SSADM :-Structured System Analysis and Design Method DSDM:- Dynamic System Development Method Waterfall Model Time Boxing Iterative Model UML :- Universal markup language OOP:- Object Oriented Paradigm/Programming UCD:- Use Case Diagram OOM:- Object Oriented Modeling GUI:- Graphical user Interface IDE:- Integrated development environment API:- Application Programming Interface NASA:-North Atlantic Space Association DLL:-Dynamic Linking Libraries. XML :- Extensible Markup Language Class Diagrams Sequential Diagrams Inroduction NASA or North Atlantic Space Association is a United States Government owned Space Research and Development Company. NASA has its own internal Weather forecasting department and specialized custom build weather forecasting software that connects to the US satellites receive various weather inputs from them and then calculates and forecasts the next 24 hour weather report that includes Temperature, Pressure, Humidity and Wind Speeds. During a recent United Nations Conference US government has accepted the proposal of other countries of the world to provide them weather forecasting data from NASA weather forecasting servers. Following are the project requirements that NASA has to fulfill:- The project development, testing and final implementation should not take more than 3 months. The project will only have the budget for 5 software developers. The project has to contain bare minimum only required important documentation and should not contain detail system specifications The first prototype for the other countries technical experts review has to be release withing15 days of project initialization. The rest of the project phases will work in iterative manner and based on client feedback. The feasibility study on various software development methodologies include software development Life Cycle (SDLC) and RAD was done , keeping in vision the product development cost and the stricter timelines and it was accepted to use Rapid Application Development or RAS as the software development methodology for the current system. LITERATURE REVIEW IMPACT OF RAD ON SOFTWARE INDUSTRY Before starting our discussion on RAD, let us take a closer look of what Agile Methodology is and a brief overview of its history and manifesto What is Agile Software Development? Agility is more attitude than process, more environment than methodology (Jigh Highsmith , April 6,2004 , Agile Project Management : Creating Innovative Projects ) Agile Software Development is a set of software development Methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self organizing cross function team. According to (HighSmith, 2002) Agility is the ability to both create and respond to change in order to profit in a turbulent business environment. Agility is the ability to balance flexibility and stability. Agile Modeling is based on a collection of principles, derived from the principles of Agile Alliance, such as importance of assuming simplicity when you are modeling and embracing change when you are working, because requirements do change in future (Scott Ambler , 2002 , Agile Modeling: Effective practices for extreme programming and the unified process, Wiley) History and Manifesto of Agile software development The definition of the agile software development methodology started evolving in mid 1990s as a part of strong opposition against the already existing standard, micro managed use of Waterfall Model for development. There were heavy cost and time schedules escalations in Waterfall Model because of the freezing of design phase first and then starting up with the development and implementation phases. The time when product use to get ready to be deployed at the client side, it is already obsolete for use, because most of the time client requirements change during the product development phase. In 2001, some most important prominent figures in the field of Agile development came together in Utah to discuss the ways of creating software in a lighter, faster and more people centric way. It was then only the Agile software development and Agile methodology term gets coined. In the same meet, they create Agile manifesto that includes the canonical definition of the Agile Development and accompanying agile principles. ( ) Values and Principles of Agile Methodology:- As per the 2001 Agile Manifesto, following are stated as the values of the Agile methodologies:- Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools used. Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer Collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Some of the principles envisioned behind Agile Manifesto are:- Customer satisfaction by rapid and continuous delivery of software system Working software is the principle measure of progress Even late changes in requirements are welcomed Close , Daily Cooperation between business people and developers Communication Simplicity Feedback Courage Humility

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Role and Significance of Budgetary Control

Role and Significance of Budgetary Control Introduction: Enterprise is a complex man-made running coupling system and a contractual association with body; it is very necessary to the business activities of its process and implements control. According to the modern management guru Robert  Simons theory, management control achieve management objectives. Through the implementation of a series of management control lever, so it should increase the importance of budgetary control and devote energies to the management of budgetary control to ensure that business objectives and performance management of the smooth realization. The essay will first give an overview of budget control. Secondly, it will introduce the Performance Management Overview. Thirdly, it will discuss How to improve the effectiveness of budgetary control. Finally, it will give a short conclusion. An overview of budget control The meaning of budgetary control Budgetary control has the existence of broad and narrow sense. Broad budgetary control sees the entire budget system as a control system, which it is the formation of a prior, during and after the whole process control system (David E.W. Marginsona, 1999). Through the budget preparation, budget evaluation, reward and punishment by monitoring of budget execution. Narrow budgetary control prepares a good budget as a basis for performance management and standards on a regular basis to compare actual performance with the budget analyze differences in the results and take corrective measures, which is mainly referring to something in the process of budget implementation in the monitoring of behavior. According to control activities, budget control includes target control, process control and system control, while the budget as the primary means of corporate internal controls provides a comprehensive management platform. Budget target of control is that Budget management through strategic planning to determine the annual business objectives; then through the decomposition of indicators to clarify the responsibility of the objectives of the responsibility of the budget units as a basis for evaluation. Budget program control is that Budget management achieves complete control over the purpose through the division of budget management decision-making authority and authorization controls, segregation of duties control is incompatible with the budget organization, budget, audit, budget monitoring and internal audit characteristics (John K. Christiansen and Peter Skà ¦rbà ¦k, 1997). Budgetary control regulates businesses and peoples behavior through a series of system control and enhances enterprise rule of law capacity, at the same time improves the enterprises core competitiveness. Budgetary control is the core of enterprise management control and a business management system, a very important control system. Budgetary control is a comprehensive system of budgetary control, That budgetary control infiltrates to the various business processes of enterprises. At the same time, it is still the core of internal control. Science and the implementation of budgetary control is an important guarantee for the effective implementation of budget management The role and significance of budgetary control Budgetary control mainly refers to the budget during the execution of the budget implementation of the routine supervision and control; it is the budget target to achieve the necessary guarantees. Control functions are the basic functions of management of the budget in the analysis of the implementation of enterprise budget management; Control effect of budget management throughout the management process. Budgeting is a pre-budget control, budget execution is a matter of control, budget evaluation is a kind of ex post control. As the enterprises own internal and external conditions change, sometimes business strategy need to make corresponding adjustments, though corporate budget management must change in accordance with the strategic objectives of changes in the future management of operational activities to achieve feed forward control (Peter Brownell ,1985). In the budget execution process, from budget management, budgetary control organizations in the field and promptly discovered that the actual deviations from the budget differences, and took the necessary measures to eliminate weaknesses and achieve process control. Budget management functions In the budget- feedback control, budget management, budget management and the implementation of the main functions keep the actual results to compare with budget targets in time, and deviations occur message to budget management and the main body so that adjust it timely to ensure the budget goals. In short, the advance control focuses on the corporate budget management and budgeting. Things in the process control focuses on each link to control the implementation of a business, and afterwards , feedback control focuses on the feedback according to deviate from the budget target follow-up control of information. Because of the combination, only the budget to strengthen all-round management and control capabilities, it enables Enterprises strategic objectives to be refined to implement. Budgetary control is not only a wide range of control, but also a full range of control; budget control must penetrate to the enterprise in all business processes and the business links, which is covering all business sectors and positions. On the one hand, the application of accounting measurement accounting methods reflect implementation of the budget process and oversight for accounting control and budget management for the basic values to provide the required information. On the other hand, in-depth into the origin of the value of management activities, the daily operations of specific business areas, such as procurement, production, sales and so on, to carry out management control. Enterprise Budget Management of the main needs of the accounting department and co-ordination between business units and communication account control and management control together. Budget management involves many factors, the breadth of the decision of the board of directors and the boards of supervisors only grasp what is important in order to take into account the overall situation, but also decided to encourage the implementation of the budget, the main body of self-control is particularly necessary. Performance Management Overview Performance Management connotation Performance management is developed on the basis of a management concept and management models in the traditional management ideas (David Otleya, 1999). Performance management objectives promote the responsible people accountable for results to achieve organizational behavior efficient; it could through the design of organizational activities and achieves the objective evaluation of the effects. Compared with traditional management, performance management activities of the organization is advocating relaxation of process management and rules of control, the management focus from a rules-based accountability to performance-based accountability, the entire management process demonstrates the activities of the organization goals and achieve its objectives effectiveness concerns. We must establish a performance-based accountability, it is necessary for organizations and individuals to evaluate the performance of activities which result in the activities of the organization and individual performance evaluation. By designing a set of performance evaluation index system of scientific, it reflect the objectives of organizations and individuals to achieve results, and it provide a basis for incentive and restraint and the allocation of resources for managers Performance appraisal is an important technology tool for performance management that improve the efficiency and it is the key factors of organizational behavior, thus constitute the core content of performance management An overview of Performance Budgeting The performance management concepts for budget management practices produced a performance budgeting. According to the Ministry of Finance Budget Division of the definition of performance budgeting, performance budgeting is a goal-oriented budget, it is based on achievement of the governments public sector objectives and it is in budget preparation, control and evaluation of a budget management model( Robert Dransfield,2000). In contrast with the traditional budget management, performance budget, focuses the effectiveness of fiscal spending in the stresses, at the same time it advocated to give managers sufficient autonomy in budget management and reporting system through the public sector, public sector reporting system in the traditional budget system to inject a kinds of incentive and restraint mechanisms to effectively contribute the organizational goals. In the performance budget management, budget expenditure performance evaluation as a management control tool, which is a core content in performance budget management. The so-called budget expenditure performance evaluation refers to the use of certain assessment methods, quantitative indicators and appraisal criteria and functions of the department to achieve its performance goals established by the realization of the extent, as well as to achieve this goal; the implementation of the budget was carried out by the results of a comprehensive assessment and evaluation. The aim of the department of performance objectives is rational allocation of resources, optimizing effectiveness and efficiency of the use of budgetary funds through a comprehensive evaluation. Performance evaluation of scientific conclusions of the performance of expenditure is the key to the successful implementation of performance management. This relates to how to organize the implementation, how to choose the scope of evaluation, how to determine the performance objectives, performance indicators and evaluation methods and so on; in order to obtain one scientific conclusion question on public expenditure in the economic, efficiency and effectiveness of the Three. From the definition of performance budgeting, performance budget has two core elements, one is performance evaluation to solve how to set up performance evaluation system of science to arrive at the performance of scientific information; second is performance information and budget integration to solve performance information (PI) how to combine of management and budget issues, which is how to combine the performance information and budget preparation, execution and reporting system in order to achieve the efficient budget management and the promotion of organizational performance improvement (Jack Diamond,2003). Both of these two aspects are interlinked and mutually distinction, which constitute a complete performance of the budget system. How to improve the effectiveness of budgetary control Sometimes, the implementation of the budget alone to assess a business operation in the period may be good or bad business lacks flexibility, and thus induce businesses to focus only on some short-term, and immediate interests, rather than from a long-term, strategic point of view thinking. Therefore, we should budget for the traditional appraisal methods to do some improvements and make control tools with some other combine, so as to achieve the optimum. Drawing on balanced scorecard thinking Balanced scorecard help us from the level of multi-dimensional performance of the integrated assessment managers, it both on the organizations financial indicators for evaluation and the organizations customers, internal operations, the learning and growth aspects of assessment. Incentive and constraint mechanism to conduct innovation Budgetary control get people to complete it, they have to take into account peoples behavior and psychological factors, so the incentive and restrictive mechanism in the budget management is most importance (Michel J. Lebasa, 1995). Enterprises should be based on objective circumstances to develop a series of truly value-creating linkages with the staff of the incentive and restraint mechanisms to fully and effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of staff performance and creativity, so that employees consciously enterprise business objectives into their own development to be achieved goals, and actively take the initiative to complete the business plan to develop a budget, so that the budget management companies could be more active and effective implementation. Dynamic evaluation Dynamic evaluation refers to the budget implementation process, the budget of the implementation of dynamic and tracking of evaluation of the budget in the implementation, the timely detection of the budget in the implementation of the problems found and processing and adjustment of the budget in time. Through dynamic evaluation, we can more timely control the budget management and ensure its effective implementation. Conclusion Some companies focus only on practical preparation of the budget and ignore the control of the budget implementation process. In fact, the control of budget management play a key role in the budget; if there is no budget control, the budget would be a mere formality lose control. Budget management control system is adopted by various government departments and budget implementation of the relevant series of internal control procedures and the adjustment mechanism, whose main function prevent errors and fraud to ensure the correct implementation of the budget, as well as the efficient realization of organizational goals. Budget management and budgetary control systems also known as the internal control system, which constitute a complete budget control system together with the budget and external control systems.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Dr Kings Vision of Economic and Social Justice Essay -- Martin Luther

Not many folks remember that the 1963 "March on Washington" was officially named "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom." This fact often gets lost amid the important celebration of the general achievement and highlights such as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s "I Have a Dream" oration. Indeed, the theme of job creation runs though Dr. King’s writings. Perhaps no single policy could have as great a social and economic impact on the African American community—and the entire country—as federally funded job assurance for every person ready and willing to work. This is a policy approach that was explicitly supported by Dr. King, and that is currently receiving attention in economic and policy circles. In an article in Look published just after his assassination (King, 1968), Dr. King wrote that: "We call our demonstration a campaign for jobs and income because we feel that the economic question is the most crucial that black people, and poor people generally, are confronting." Thirty-three years later, at the peak of a peacetime economic expansion heralded as the longest and strongest in recent history, not only is the African American unemployment rate stuck at twice that of whites, but at around 8% that figure remains at a rate that would be considered evidence of a deep recession were it to hold for society as a whole: There is a literal depression in the Negro community. When you have mass unemployment in the Negro community, it’s called a social problem; when you have mass unemployment in the white community, it’s called a depression. The fact is, there is a major depression in the Negro community. The unemployment rate is extremely high, and among Negro youth, it goes up as high as forty percent in some cities. (Kin... ...ew, 15, April. Other Works Cited Darity, Jr., William A. Darity and Samuel L. Myers, Jr. (with Emmett D. Carson and William Sabol), 1994, The Black Underclass: Critical Essays on Race and Unwantedness, New York: Garland. Darity, Jr., William A. and Derrick Hamilton, 2001, "A Test of the Functionality of Discrimination," presented at Allied Social Science Annual Meetings, New Orleans, January. Other Work on Public Service Job Assurance Carlson, Ellen, and William F. Mitchell, 2000, The Path to Full Employment and Equity, ELRR: Economic and Labour Relations Review, Supplement to Volume 11. Warner, Aaron, Mathew Forstater, and Sumner Rosen, 2000, Commitment to Full Employment, Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe. Wray, L. Randall, 1998, Understanding Modern Money: The Key To Full Employment and Price Stability, Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Acid Rain :: Environment Ecology Nature Essays Papers

Acid Rain If it was possible to peer into the future and see the environmental consequences of mankind’s actions, humans’ harmful contributions to the highly acidic rain levels would be apparent. Seeing the possibility of a tragic environment in the future would change the ways we treat our environment today and forever. The environment receives its main punishments from a variety of sources, ranging from car smog to industrial smog and waste. Acid rain, fog, sleet and snow all have severely harmful affects on our environment. In order to protect our environment, humans need to be conscious of the results of their actions and act responsibly to slow down, if not stop, the negative effects of acid rain on our plant, animal and human life. Acid rain is rain with a low PH level. A scale ranging from zero to fourteen defines the ph scale, with zero representing the most acidic, fourteen representing the most basic ph levels and seven representing neutral. Acid rain can formulate from sulfur and nitrogen, which is emmited by cars and coal fired generators. America and Europe are the leaders in the war against acid rain, and are fighting to protect our health and environment. One way these two regions are attempting to reduce acid rain is by encouraging the use of natural gases rather than coal in power plants. This is useful because natural gases contain less sulfur. Acid rain is detrimental to all living organisms and needs to be decreased. Acid rain affects the entire environment, especially plants and animals. One of the most harmful effects acid rain has on the ecosystem is its destruction of plant life. Acid rain containing highly acidic ph levels also greatly affects animal lives. After falling, acid rain flows directly from the plants, through the watershed and into a stream, river or lake, where it can dramatically affect aquatic life. During the flow of acid rain through soils and into the watershed system, aluminum is picked up and dispersed into the nearby streams, rivers and lakes. Aquatic life can live with a below normal acid level, but the additional aluminum deposited into the reservoir greatly affects the fish. All breathing organisms are also affected by the acid rain pollutants distributed into the air. The major source of these air pollutants is nitrogen oxide from vehicles and industrial sites where fossil fuels are burned. Acid Rain :: Environment Ecology Nature Essays Papers Acid Rain If it was possible to peer into the future and see the environmental consequences of mankind’s actions, humans’ harmful contributions to the highly acidic rain levels would be apparent. Seeing the possibility of a tragic environment in the future would change the ways we treat our environment today and forever. The environment receives its main punishments from a variety of sources, ranging from car smog to industrial smog and waste. Acid rain, fog, sleet and snow all have severely harmful affects on our environment. In order to protect our environment, humans need to be conscious of the results of their actions and act responsibly to slow down, if not stop, the negative effects of acid rain on our plant, animal and human life. Acid rain is rain with a low PH level. A scale ranging from zero to fourteen defines the ph scale, with zero representing the most acidic, fourteen representing the most basic ph levels and seven representing neutral. Acid rain can formulate from sulfur and nitrogen, which is emmited by cars and coal fired generators. America and Europe are the leaders in the war against acid rain, and are fighting to protect our health and environment. One way these two regions are attempting to reduce acid rain is by encouraging the use of natural gases rather than coal in power plants. This is useful because natural gases contain less sulfur. Acid rain is detrimental to all living organisms and needs to be decreased. Acid rain affects the entire environment, especially plants and animals. One of the most harmful effects acid rain has on the ecosystem is its destruction of plant life. Acid rain containing highly acidic ph levels also greatly affects animal lives. After falling, acid rain flows directly from the plants, through the watershed and into a stream, river or lake, where it can dramatically affect aquatic life. During the flow of acid rain through soils and into the watershed system, aluminum is picked up and dispersed into the nearby streams, rivers and lakes. Aquatic life can live with a below normal acid level, but the additional aluminum deposited into the reservoir greatly affects the fish. All breathing organisms are also affected by the acid rain pollutants distributed into the air. The major source of these air pollutants is nitrogen oxide from vehicles and industrial sites where fossil fuels are burned.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Chem 1301

Syallubus for CHEM 1301 General Chemistry I Fall 2011 SCIE 2. 106, M,W: 2:35-3:50 Instructor Name: Dr. J. G. Parsons Email: [email  protected] edu Office: Science room number: 3. 348 Phone: Office : 381-7462 Office Hours: M/W: 1:30-2:30 or by appointment CRN: 12626 REQUIRED MATERIALS: Text Book: Chemistry by Julia Burdge (ISBN 978-0-07-302554-4) Scientific calculator (ARIS software package Required) RECOMMENDED MATERIALS: Burdge study guide Blackboard web course and a UTPA email address. CREDIT: Lecture credit: 3 hours. laboratory is a separate one hour course ,1101 series). PREREQUISITES: One year of high school chemistry. College level algebra recommended. Grading: Grading will be based on a 100 point scale 90 – 100 points = A 80 – 89 = B 70 -79 = C 60 – 69 = D Below 60 = F Breakdown of points is as follows: 65% 4 unit exams (lowest is dropped) 10% Homework/Quiz grade 20% final exam. EXPECTIONS and OUTCOMES: 1. To understand and apply methods and appropriate technology to the study of natural sciences. 2.To recognize scientific and quantitative methods and the differences between these approches and other methods of inquiry and to communicate findings, analyses and interpretation both orally and in writing. 3. To identify and recognize the differences among competing scientific theories. 1 4. To demonstrate knowlegdge of the major issues and problems facing modern science, including issuses that touch upon ethics, values, and public policies. 5. To demonstrate knowledge of the interdependence of science and technology and their influence on, and contribution to, modern culture.CLASSROOM POLICIES: Only chemistry questions will be addressed in class. All other questions about the course or grading will be addressed individually during office hours. A schedule showing due dates for assignments and exams will be available on Blackboard. Attendence: Attendance may be taken periodically. Professors will have the option of dropping a student a fter three unexplained absences. Students arriving late to class should notify me that they are present. Class roles are periodically taken and attendence from groups work is also noted.Make-up exams will not be given. The lowest exam score will be dropped and in cases where students miss an exam for any reason, that exam will be the one dropped. Missing two exams usually results in a F for the course. Cheating: Students will be dropped from this course for cheating. Cheating consists of submitting someone else’s work under your name, obtaining information from someone other than the instructor during an exam. Cellular Phones: Cellular phones and/or beepers should be turned off or set to vibrate during the class period. ============================================================== Disability: If you have a documented disability which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as outlined and/or if you need special accommodations or assistance due to the disability, please contact the Office of Services for Persons with Disabilities (OSPD), at Emilia Ramirez-Schunior Hall, Rm. 1. 101 immediately, or the Associate Director at [email  protected] edu,; 956/316-7005. Appropriate arrangements/ accommodations can be made. =============================================================== TENTETATIVE SCHEDULE: Weeks 1-4: Unit I Stoichiometry: Ratios of Combination: Reactions in Aqueous Solutions: First Exam Monday, Sept. 19th, 2010 Weeks 5-8: Unit II Gases: Thermochemistry Second Exam CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 5 Monday Oct. 17th, 2001 Weeks 9-12 Unit III Quantum Theory and the Electronic Structure of Atom Electronic Configuration and the Perodic Table Third Exam Monday Nov 16th, 2010 Weeks 13-15 Unit IV Chemical Bonding I Basic Concepts Chemical Bonding II, Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories Organic Chemistry: Fourth Exam Dec. th, 2010 Important Dates: Sept. 5th 2009 Sept 14th 2009 Sept 27th 2009 Nov. 14th, 2009 Nov 24th, 25th, 2009 Nov 27th, 2009 Dec 8th-9th CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER 10 Labor Day (University Closed) Census day Last day to Change Courses Last day to drop Thanksgiving (University Closed) Classes Resume Study Days no classes Final Exam: Dec 10th -16th, 2011 Final Exams Week (Final Exam Monday Dec 12th, 2011, 1:15-3:00) This calendar is tentative and subject to slight Variation. Course Evaluation: Simply log in to UTPA Assist self service using your UTPA username & password.Click on Student Services> then click Student Records> click on Student Evaluations link> then click on Evaluation link next to the course you wish to evaluate> then click Submit. To see a tutorial, follow this link: http://cdl. utpa. edu/tutorials/surveydig/ 3 The chart below shows information that is required and optional topics that will be covered timepermitting in CHEM 1301. Sequence Chap 1-2 Required Parsons – CHEM 1301 Have Powerpoint presentations for Chaps 1&2, hand-out materials, pre-test and pretest answers available on Blackboard. Optional Parsons – CHEM 1301 Homework Set I (with answers) provided through Blackboard.Two optional review sessions (I on Dimensional Analysis and II on Nomenclature) scheduled on the Course Calendar (also available on Blackboard) Requirements for a chemical reaction to be balanced; charge balance and mass balance. Chap 3 The Mole Concept and Mole Mass/Stoichiometry Calculations, Balancing Chemical Equations, % Composition and Determining Simple/Emperical Formulas Oxidation –Reduction Reactions; Precipitation Reactions; Acid-Base Reactions Molarity and Dilutions Problems, Solution Stoichiometry Problems, Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Reactions.Concepts of Pressure, Volume, and Absolute Temperature; The Gas Laws; The Ideal Gas Equation; Molecular Speed; Real Gases and the van de Waals Equation, Gas-Stoichiometry Problems; the Kinetic Molecular Theory; Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures and Raoult’s Law Introducti on to Thermodynamics, Pressure-Volume Work and Heat, Internal Energy, Enthalpy; Calorimetry, Hess’s Law, Heats of Formation and State Functions Quantum Theory, Quantum Numbers, Electron Configuration, Orbital Diagrams, Sets of Quantum Numbers, The Line Spectrum of Hydrogen; Chap 4 Chapt 11Use of the Solubility Rules to write precipitation reactions and net-ionic reactions. Use of the Activity Series to write reactions showing displacement of hydrogen by active metals. Meaning of terms electrolyte, strong electrolye, weak electrolyte and non-electrolyte. Properties of Gases, Reactions with Gaseous Reactants and Products, Degrees of Freedom for particles in the free state, the liquid state and the solid state; a comparison of gases, liquids and solids as to compressibility, density, and particles freedom of motion Units of Energy, Enthalpy, Standard Enthalpies of Formation, Constant Pressure processes vs.Constant Volume Processes Chap 5 Chap 6 Properties of Waves, The de Brogli e Hypothesis; The Uncertainty Principle, Atomic Orbitals, Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table; the Schrodinger Equation Chap 7 Periodic Trends in Properties of Elements; Ions of Main Group Elements, Ionization energy, electron affinity, Atomic Radius Lewis Dot Symbols, Electronegativity and Polarity; Drawing Lewis Structures; Formal Charge Molecular Geometry-VSEPR, Valence Bond Theory, The Modern Periodic Table; Effective Nuclear Charge, Nuclear Shielding, IonicRadius; Isoelectronic series, metallic character Ionic Bonding; Covalent Bonding, Exceptions to the Octet Rule; Bond Enthalpy, Resonance Molecular Geometry and Polarity, Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals, Molecular Orbital Theory Hybridization in Molecules Containing Multiple Bonds Molecules, Organic Reactions; Organic Polymers, Isomerism Chap 8 Chap 9 Chap 10 Why Carbon is Different, Representing Organic Molecules, Classes of Organic Compounds, Basic Organic Nomenclature 4

Friday, August 16, 2019

Gender Roles and Fashion Essay

Most people feel that the qualities and characteristics we perceive as specific to gender are inherent by nature. In America, physical strength is stereotyped to be masculine, while emotional behavior is stereotyped as feminine. Any straying from these expectations is sufficient grounds for alienation. However, historian Howard Zinn has documented that gender roles are a part of a system constructed by the ruling class during the formation of our nation. The gender role structure in the US was designed in order to maintain a centralized, wealthy ruling class. In order to keep wealthy, white men in control of the economy, women have been constructed as inferior to men — physically, mentally and emotionally. In Judith Lorber’s article â€Å"Night to His Day†, Lorber explains that the definition of being a man or woman is comprised of more than apparent genetic information. â€Å"Gender† is a socially constructed status, which has the intention of â€Å"choosing people for the different tasks of society†(Lorber 55). Thus, ideas about how one should behave in order to fit into a gender category are learned, not intrinsic. As a society assigns people as â€Å"men† or â€Å"women†, this categorization denotes the accepted and preferred â€Å"personality characteristics, feelings, motivations, and ambitions† that create different classes and preferences for people (Lorber, 55). That is, the genderization system produces men and women who tend to have a â€Å"natural inclination† toward ideas, behaviors, and careers that help them assimilate to anticipated gender stereotypes. Parents, constantly in fear that people will not be able to dis tinguish the sex of their new baby, instinctually encourage dress, styles, and behavior that perpetuate the masculine and feminine labels from birth. The term â€Å"woman† itself was created by the masculine conception of what femininity should be. These criteria set up the dominant/subordinate relationship standard because women lacked the power to challenge the male point of view. Lorber suggests that â€Å"as a process, gender creates social differences that define ‘woman’ and ‘man'† through interactions and expectations of peers and family. As a stratification, gender ranks men’s work superior to women’s, regardless of skill or difficulty. As a social structure, gender organizes work habits both domestically and economically  (Lorber 60-1). For the average girl in American society, adapting to gender roles is taught in every single facet of life. The media, entertainment, and school cooperatively exhibit and promote gender assimilation. Barbieà ¤ dolls are the first toys I can recall playing with as a young girl. Her long blond hair, short skirts, disproportionately long legs, and spike heels set the precedent for how I would view true â€Å"femininity† throughout adolescence. By age six, my life became infiltrated by gender specific, â€Å"girly† activities. I: practiced ballet and avoided sports, painted fingernails, nearly always wore dresses with nylons, experimented with my mother’s make-up (rather unsuccessfully), joined Girl Scouts, grew out my hair to mid-back, and wished for everything to be pink or lavender. I was so excited and anxious for the day when the boys would†¦ finally†¦ notice†¦ me (sarcasm intended). Fashion trends and clothing styles, in particular, significantly aid the social construction of gender. The mere presence of a standard for the judgment of beauty automatically designates some group to be in control of the other. That is, individuals are constantly judging one another to make certain that they fit into the correct gender classification. Trendy, hip clothing are made for a very specific, minority group of women- narrow-hipped, small-breasted, tall, and skinny. The pressure to fit into these styles of clothes is unrelenting and produces insecurities and a poor body-image. These adolescent anxieties are not uncommon and can produce eating disorders, depression, and suicide. Joanne Finkelstein, in After a Fashion, explains that fashion can be seen as a device for confining women to an inferior social order. Throughout history women have been isolated from men by their fashion dues to society – women would risk spinal disorders from corsets, chronic foot pain and arch trauma from high-heels, and submit to a constant preoccupation of worry over men’s approval of clothing appropriateness. Fashions play such an integral role in how we judge one another – how much money we have, what music we listen to, how much education we have received – that any gender-bending fashions  exhibited by women are at best taboo, and at worst, unattractive to men (the alleged Ultimate Woman’s Worry). In many societies, gender is not considered a part of nature, but rather learned, acquired, or earned as a rite of passage. In some tribal communities, acquiring gender status represents maturity and responsibility. There is an unspoken agreement between American men and women that women will fashion their clothing and styles as part of a system that favors men. In part this system favors men simply by distinguishing a class apart from men, requiring someone to exist on the outside of an established social norm. John Lorber puts it best: â€Å"Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at† (Lorber 46). In a society where many women still do not recognize the inequalities of genderization, the pervasiveness of gender roles in America remains perpetuated and profound. Works Cited Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. New York: Viking Press, Reprint edition, January 1995 Finkelstein, Joanne. After A Fashion. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1996. Lorber, Judith. â€Å"Night to His Day: The Social Construction of Gender†. Paradoxes of Gender. New York: Yale University Press, 1994. Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States. New York: HarperCollins, 2001.