Friday, May 10, 2019

Local visual art event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Local visual art event - Essay ExampleThe painting exhibits the drill of simple colours and propitiate contrasts only. On the other hand, Allemann has chosen to depict a number of senior people in a park who ar playing a game. Some people are shown playing while others are resting to the right side of the painting. The drill of colours by Allemann is highly separate from that by Keefe. Allemanns colours present stark contrasts and there are few areas where the colours liquefy into each other seamlessly (Herberger Theater).Keefes The Apple has been created on canvas using oil paints. In contrast, Allemann has tranquil her work using water colours on a canvas. While there are gentle transitions of colour in Keefes work, the transitions in Allemanns work are far more excogitate due to the use of water colours.The composition of Keefes painting reveals a choropleth of white and greys that surround an apple in the middle of the painting. The apple has been composed of various s hades of red, yellow and green that tends to blend splendidly into each other indicating the artists inclination for detailed strokes. Another notable aspect is the use of gentle colours only that tend to blend into each other swiftly. There are no sharp contrasts available throughout the painting anywhere at all.Allemanns approach to portrayal is markedly different from that of Keefe. The Finals depicts a number of elderly playing, standing and sitting in various areas of the painting. The people throughout the painting are dressed in white such that most peoples blur and skin have colours that have gentle transitions from white. Most people in the painting are painted as dressed in white with white hair while the few cruddy hair produce sharp contrasts in colour. The background of Allemanns painting has been created in dark color and certain blacks that present a

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