Friday, September 13, 2019

The Main Causes of a Major Problem in Our Society Essay

The Main Causes of a Major Problem in Our Society - Essay Example The human society comprises of many deep-rooted problems that need to be understood and tackled. The solving of problems makes it essential to understand the underlying causes of these issues. Many societal problems can be managed if their causes are known and targeted for proper solutions. Teen pregnancy is a major problem that exists in our society and it results in many negative effects. These include social and economic problems as well as health issues for the teen mothers. This may also be accompanied with psychological stress for the young teenage mothers. Furthermore, these young girls are also unable to complete their education. Therefore, it is important that the reasons of teen pregnancy should be known and solved. A low socioeconomic status as the well lower level of education and societal forces are responsible for the rise in the number of teen pregnancies (Donaldson et al 2003; Miller 2006; Thomas 2009). Teenagers who belong to lower socioeconomic groups have a higher tendency for becoming pregnant through their young ages. This is because people belonging to low socioeconomic groups thrive in poor living conditions which result in stress and disturbed households. This provides for the teenagers to opt for sexual behaviors for the attainment of pleasure. Furthermore, mostly the parents of these children are lowly paid and they stay away from home for work for extended periods of time.

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